There are some hints of this but mostly the episode uses this part of its story to play up the sensual aspects of it, with a variety of beautiful women coming in wanting Sam to pamper them.

In terms of the humorous “fish out of the water” element that the show is often so good at, certainly more more could have been made with Sam trying to operate as a hairdresser–a skill he presumably doesn’t already possess. Her being the big villain is a bit arbitrary and out of nowhere, but it does make for an exciting climax (although Chloe obviously makes a huge tactical mistake when she shoots and kills her accomplice!) There are nice elements to Sam’s relationship with Kyle which is probably one of the better things about the episode, but the general drama about the family’s life being in danger is somehow not particularly interesting, and Laura’s unwillingness to go to the police after they are shot at seems implausible (although of course she later turns out to be correct!) The twist of Detective Ward’s involvement with the crime is not all that surprising, but the reveal about Chloe is. Permanent Wave has some of all of that, but it never really locks in and goes all the way with any of its elements.

And that’s fine, not every episode has to or even should, but then there’s usually something else to take its place–like something to laugh at, or some aspect of humanity that Sam is experiencing, or a plot to really sink its teeth into.

In spite of the fact that it deals with murder and drugs and the attempted murder of a child, it never makes any serious attempts to dig deep into the characters or the drama of the situation. Coming as it does between Justice (a story about the Ku Klux Klan) and Raped (an episode I haven’t seen yet, but I can guess is going to be a heavy one), it feels a lot like a lighthearted filling inside some very serious bread.įor Permanent Wave, while not a comedy episode in particular, is largely light-hearted fluff. When you look at the running order of the show, Permanent Wave sits in the middle of a very strange sandwich.